Because psychology is a huge field of science with many diverse streams, the question of why to become a psychologist can be difficult. As indicated in careers in Psychology, there are many messages we have had that indicate a wide range of career opportunities as a psychologist. The study of human behavior and mental processes are so great as it applies to all people (and animals) on earth, it is not surprising that the study of psychology is so great! I can wager a bet that you could apply to something you are interested in psychology For example, if you are interested in computing and technology, you can study the areas related to the psychology of technology. This can be used on everything from cognitive science in terms of ergonomics.
So why is a psychologist?
You probably do not want to go through all the stages and work hard to become a psychologist, just because you are interested in psychology could be applied to something. There should be more, so lets see what would make a great psychologist:
Reason Number One:
First, ask how he became interested in psychology? If you are not interested in the field of psychology, then you should be. You must have a general understanding of what psychology is, subfields of psychology, and especially what a psychologist /. To become a psychologist, you have to have time to devote to their education, training, volunteering, etc. So make sure you know what you're getting into. So if you wonder how he became interested in psychology, then you can use this response to determine if you have the will and motivation to succeed as a psychologist.
Reason number two:
If your answer is reason to know how he became interested in psychology, then now ask you if you work in a field related to psychology (eg, social work, marketing, etc.) or if you want to register as a psychologist in their jurisdiction ( clinical psychologist, research psychologist, etc.) If you have a strong interest in psychology, this does not mean you want to open / work in a consulting role or a therapist can only have an interest in learning the ways of thinking, feel and act. You can combine this interest with something like a business, and start a career in marketing with interest. If you want to become a psychologist, ask yourself this question.
Reason number three:
So you want to become a licensed psychologist who can help a career in clinical research, teaching or potentially as a psychologist. Do you have a genuine interest and to help others? I hope that if you are willing to sign up to become a clinical psychologist of some sort, you want to help their patients. You are willing to help people and be able to listen effectively to what they need or want a professional psychology. As a psychologist who has an aversion to helping others be like a chef who hates to cook a meal.
Reason number four:
In order to be effective in helping others seek the help of a professional psychologist will be asked if you are emotionally stable? How do you know yourself? This does not mean that occasionally feel depressed. This means that you know your car well enough, and are able to stay in touch at any time. For example: You might think that if you have seen a psychologist in the past that would be automatically exempt from being a successful psychologist. This could not be further from the truth, and can work to your advantage. Therefore, an advantage that you were able to ask for help when you need to show that there are mysteries about seeking psychological help, which has experienced the other end of professional psychological experience, and who made the effort to keep it under control emotionally.
Reason number five:
If you want to be a good psychologist, you should ask yourself if you're a great communicator, with an open mind? Ask yourself this sincere and honest. You must be able to communicate effectively with the action plans back to patients, so that you and your patient can understand what is happening, and it happens as much as possible. You must also have an open mind, able to adapt to new scenarios without condemning or damaging your customers. In this way you can help patients, without prejudice, and psychologists have a responsibility to comply with a list of strong professional and ethical standards.