Product Details
Kamagra Gold is a generic version of Viagra and is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence, ED).
The active ingredient, sildenafil, blocks the action of an enzyme that suppresses erections.
It also improves blood flow to the corpus cavernosum and promotes an erection.
It takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to take effect, and when sexual excitement and stimulation are added to it, you can get a strong erection.
The duration is about 5 to 6 hours after taking it.
how to use
Take 1 tablet approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours before sexual activity.
Take 1 tablet a day as the upper limit, and wait at least 24 hours before taking the next dose.
In addition, you can experience the effect with sexual stimulation and excitement because you do not get an erection just by taking it.
If you take this medicine immediately after eating, you may not get the full effect.
Avoid greasy meals and wait 2 hours before taking the medicine.
Take with water or lukewarm water. (Please be careful about excessive intake of alcohol.)
Do not take with grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
Side effects can be severe.
After taking it, it is not a drug that causes an erection on its own, but an erection due to sexual stimulation or excitement.
Elderly people should use it with caution.
Do not take too much at once.
This medicine may cause side effects such as dizziness and visual disturbance. Pay close attention when driving a car, working at heights, or operating dangerous machinery.
This medicine does not prevent sexually transmitted infections.
This medicine is not an aphrodisiac or libido enhancer.
If you have allergies, please check the main raw materials and ingredients before using.
If you are taking other medicines or currently have a disease, be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist whether there is a risk of concomitant use.
side effects
Headache, hot flashes, dizziness, nasal congestion, indigestion, palpitations, eye redness, and visual disturbances may occur.
In very few reports, severe side effects such as priapism and penile ankylosis, which are symptoms that do not return to normal after erection, may occur.
Contraindications/Prohibited Concomitant Drugs
Antibiotics, analgesics, anticancer drugs, antiarrhythmic hypertension, hypotension, heart failure, angina pectoris and other drugs are prohibited.
Also, please note that it cannot be used by those taking nitroglycerin, amyl nitrite, or isosorbide dinitrate, which are used to treat heart disease.
Do not take this medicine if you are a minor, have a history of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of this drug, or have a blood disorder, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, severe liver dysfunction, hypotension, heart disease, or arrhythmia.
This product is for adult men, so women should not use it.
active ingredient
Sildenafil, Sildenafil
Storage method
Avoid high temperature, high humidity, direct sunlight, and keep out of reach of small children and pets.
Consume as soon as possible after opening.
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