When we boarded the boat, the boat drifted with the water. The trees on both sides of the river were shaded, and birds could be heard singing. The scenery on both sides of the river receded, making it difficult to tell whether the boat was moving or the shore was moving. Sitting at the head of the boat, I took off my embroidered shoes and beat the water with my toes. Xiao Gang sat beside me, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance. He whispered, "I haven't loved many women in my life. No one has ever made me so interested, not even Lingbin.." When I saw you in the mulberry forest that day, it was suspected that heaven and man had fallen. For fear of losing your trace, I went to Qingshiji early the next morning to look for you. It was my great fortune to meet you by chance at the ancestor worship ceremony. I clearly heard his low sigh and asked curiously, "Who is Lingbin?"? Is that your wife? He looked at me and said, "When I was nine years old, my father and mother married Wang Lingbin. Our brothers are all like this. The eldest brother has Concubine Cai, the second brother has Concubine yuan Juli, and even the seventh brother and Concubine Xu Zhaopei have been married for ten years." Most of these human princes married early. Violet told me that Xiao Baojuan was only six years old when he first accepted his concubine. I was not very surprised. But Xiao Gang's "Cai Fei" gave birth to endless imagination in my mind. A woman who can accompany such a person as Xiao Tong must be extraordinary. Wang Lingbin, yuan Juli, Xu Zhaopei, I do not know what kind of beauty? If they can become imperial concubines when they are young, their families or people must be outstanding. When Xiao Gang saw that I stopped beating the lake, he held his cheeks in his head and thought without saying a word. He delivered a small porcelain plate containing several grapes and cherries on the small table at the head of the boat to me. I picked up a grape casually, and the sour feeling made me spit it out immediately, saying: "It's so sour!" Xiao Gang's face changed slightly. After tasting one, he opened his brows and said, "It's not sour. If you don't like it, you can eat cherries instead." My teeth were almost sour,4 person jacuzzi, and I remembered a story that Violet told me. A long time ago, when our ancestors traveled to the world, they passed by a vineyard and saw clusters of green and bright grapes hanging on the branches of fruit trees. They tried their best but failed to pick one. After returning to the mountains, he told all the little foxes that grapes were the most sour and astringent fruits in the world. Don't try them easily. Over time, although some little foxes could not resist the temptation to taste the taste of grapes, they were often bewitched by the teachings of their ancestors and felt more and more sour and astringent. Violet and Artemisia annua never eat grapes, perhaps that's why. I shook my head and said, "No." Xiao Gang seemed to be aware of something and said to me, "Although I have a concubine,Chinese spa manufacturer, I have never accepted a side concubine. My father wants us to marry more concubines. If you are willing to go back to the capital with me, I will immediately report to my father that the matchmaker is marrying you into the palace." Seeing that his words were exactly the same as those of the fourth prince, Xiao Ji, I couldn't help smiling and said, "Do you know where I came from?"? What if I'm not a good girl? Looking at the lake, he stood up and said, "How could I be so casual?"? I have inquired about the family background of your sisters in Lanling. My father has long admired your ancestor Tao Gong yuanming for his brilliant literary talent. Your father is also talented. Although he has not been an official, he is afraid that his character is lonely and pure. If he is willing to be an official, how can he let your sisters make a living by embroidery? Since you come from a scholarly family of Tao, your status is not low, and you are more than enough for my imperial concubine. I couldn't help but be surprised. It turned out that Tao Sheng's granddaughter and sister once lived in Qingshiji, where we lived. When we came here, the house was uninhabited. When did they leave Lanling? How could it be so coincidental as not to arouse the suspicion of the neighbors? Perhaps only Artemisia can answer this reason, since Xiao Gang thinks that we are Tao yuanming's granddaughter, it is better to make mistakes, these things do not matter, there is no need to defend to him. When I saw him mention Tao Sheng's talent, hot tub manufacturers ,jacuzzi bath spa, I asked him, "Which of my ancestors' poems do you appreciate most?" Without thinking, Xiao Gang blurted out, "Jingwei holds the title of micro wood, and will fill the sea.". Xing Tianwu Gan Qi, Meng Zhi Gu is always there. The same thing has no worries and no regrets. Only set in the heart of the past, a good time to wait! I secretly guessed that Xiao Gang liked this poem, perhaps with another profound meaning. Jingwei and Xingtian are two mythical birds and mythical beasts in myths and legends. This poem "Reading the Book of Mountains and Seas" is Tao Sheng's praise of Jingwei and Xingtian's indomitable spirit, in order to express his indignation at current events. Although Xiao Gang is a nobleman of the royal family, it seems that there are still unpleasant things in his heart. I didn't show any suspicion in my heart, so I replied, "This poem of my family ancestor is really very good." "When it comes to poetry," he said with a smile, "I'll give you a poem. Would you like to hear it?" I nodded and said, "I'd like to hear more about it." The breeze comes slowly, the water waves are rippling, and the weeping willows on both sides of the river depend on each other. When the willow approached the boat, I gently broke off a branch of the willow, made it into a garland and put it in my hair, which startled the birds perched on the willow branch. Xiao Gang, dressed in black, stood gracefully at the head of the boat. He gazed at the scene and intoned softly, "The willows are in a mess. When they climb up to spring.". The leaves are dense, the birds fly in the way, the wind is light, and the flowers fall late. The city is tall with short flute hair, and Lin Kong's painting angle is sad. There is no other meaning in the song, and it is for lovesickness. When he had finished, he added, "What do you think of this poem, which is called Folding Willows?" This poem is in line with the real scene, and secretly expresses the meaning of lovesickness, I only feel that the words are meaningful, praise: 'The leaves are dense and the birds fly, the wind is light and the flowers fall late', a good sentence! Xiao Gang was overjoyed. Looking back, he said to the man standing at the end of the painting, "On such a beautiful day, how can there be no wine to add to the fun?"? Bring the wine! Servant brought a jar of wine, just opened the wine jar, a burst of fragrance into the nose, it is Artemisia annua and I drank the Lanling wine "tulip". Xiao Gang handed me the jade cup and asked with a smile, "Can you drink?" I liked the sweet taste of the wine, and did not want to be too restrained, nodded, took the jade cup in his hand, and drank it down. He poured another cup and drank it. Holding the jade cup, he said with emotion, "Ling Bin has never touched a drop of wine. Although a woman should clean up her boudoir style, she is too rigid. It is hard to avoid losing her elegant and unrestrained bearing. Xu Fei, the seventh brother, has three of them. I have been looking for such a person for many years, and now I have finally fulfilled my wish!" We talked about poetry while drinking and enjoyed ourselves. Not realizing that it was getting late, Xiao Gang reluctantly saw me off the boat,best whirlpool tub, but without saying anything, he said, "Tomorrow I will go to your house to discuss this with your sister." 。 monalisa.com