For the assessment of stage 2 Engineers Australia competency standards, you need to submit some documents. Without these documents, your application will be of no value. Therefore, you must know what these documents are.
So, let’s move further to know about each one of them.
Required documents:
To attain Chartered recognition, you need to submit the following documents:
- Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs)
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record
- An Up to date resume
- Engineering Experience Record (EER)
Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs):
In your ECC, you need to mention your core competencies with your work experience. This document helps you show your involvement in the technological field of engineering. The number of competency claims you have to submit is dependent on the pathway you have chosen. Let’s take an example to clarify this point: if choosing the ECR pathway, you must submit sixteen engineering competency claims.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record:
This document will allow you to show your skill sets and knowledge that you have claimed in your engineering field. It is a very important part of the National Engineering Registration (NER) application.
You must show how many CPD hours you have attained in the past three years. It includes the details about your commitment towards the engineering product, technological efficiency and standards you reflect in your workplace. So, pay heed to this document, as it is very important to show your competency to succeed in the assessment of Engineers Australia Stage 2 competencies.
You need to upload the latest resume along with your application. To complete your CV, include your recent work experience history with the one you are currently involved in. Keep your resume simple and written in a precise manner.
Engineering Experience Record (EER):
In your ECC for the assessment of Stage 2 Engineers Australia competency standards, you need to include all your work experience records. Mention your employer’s name and the job roles and responsibilities you had when you were working. Keep this document within a limit of around 700 words.