The pandemic has pushed many businesses to see the value in digital marketing to attract new customers. From 2020 to 2022, eMarketer has detected that digital marketing will grow by 36% and take up 54% of marketing budgets! In this article, you will learn 10 pro tips from our experienced marketers in digital marketing company in Dubai. But first let’s see what is digital marketing and what essential skills a digital marketer needs to acquire.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is about utilizing digital technology to achieve marketing objectives. It is not necessary for digital to always be separate from the marketing department as a whole, as the objectives of both are the same. However, for now, it remains a useful term since digital marketing requires specialist skills to employ digital technology effectively.


What is the qualification needed to make an impact in digital marketing field?

For a good marketer who works flawlessly in the digital world, a person needs to start with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from a reputed institute. This way they aware become of all the trade insights in marketing.

However, there are some skill sets that acquiring them will help you to improve as a digital marketer. These skills include:

Core skills:

-          Analytics: a research-driven data analysis to understand the market requirements. And then use that data to improve the impact of organic & paid campaigns.

-          Writing: Having a good grasp of the English/ specific language you are opting for increases the effect of the content you are creating for marketing. It is also important to have a wide knowledge to be able to write engaging and grammatically correct information and sentences for websites, ads, and social media posts.

-          Keyword analysis: having a proper knowledge on keyword research and incorporating it into the content.

-           Result-oriented: when you are creating content you should consider the outcome and the target audience.

-          Customer engagement: You need to make a virtual group in your social media handles, so that the community you have built feels included and cared about.

-           Customer requirements: It means understanding the target audience and catering to their requirements to have a better understanding of their likings and behavior.


Soft skills

A digital marketer needs basic skills like strong Communication, Analytical and Critical thinking, Creativity, Positive learning attitude, and Ability to handle critics.


What are the tools used by digital marketers in this virtual marketing?

-          Search engine marketer:

Tools used: Google AdWords, Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Google Webmaster Tools.


-           Social Media Marketer:

Tools used: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.


-          Content Marketer:

Tools used: Thesaurus, Grammarly, HubSpot, Headline Analyzer, Buzzsumo, ClearVoice, etc.


-          Web Analyst:

Tools used: Google Analytics, Spring Metrics, Woopra, Clicky, Chartbeat, UserTesting, CrazyEgg, Mouseflow, etc.


-          Email marketer:

Tools used: PutsMail, MailChimp, Aweber, etc.


Some of the related forums that might just help you out for a better insight into the scope of digital marketing, include Reddit SEO, SEO Chat, SEO Mastering, WordPress Forum, Webhosting Talk, Digital Point, etc.


It is important to create a niche for yourself while at the same time, making it a priority to follow some top companies and organizations which share your area of interest, this is a great way to be updated and make a better scope of digital marketing with all the latest happenings that are occurring at the organization.



1-      Combine SEO and Content Marketing

SEO isn’t a new subject for digital marketers but combining SEO and Content Marketing is one of the most effective of the marketing trends. Even Google algorithms insist on distribution of great content. Also using various types of content (visual, text, video, infographics, audio, etc.) does much better than using a single type of content.

There are four principles for content creation:

-          More content

-          Valuable content

-          Original content

-          Appropriate content


2-      Have a Visible Presence on Relevant Social Media Platforms

In today’s world where almost all businesses have gone digital. Thus, being seen online is the key to success for every business. this is one way to stand out from the crowd.

You need to build your online presence on relevant social media networks. Although there are plenty of social networks available, you need to identify where your customers spend most of their time and target them on that platform. Choose platforms that are relevant to your business and prospects and start building your online presence there.


3-      Optimize Your Website for Mobile-First Browsing

It is crucial to make your website and content accessible to users on all screen sizes. Because customers are mostly using smartphones and tablets to access the web. Therefore, business need to make sure that their content is mobile friendly.


4-      Use the Right Tools

Digital marketing is combination of different digital marketing strategy aimed at a plethora of channels, like SEO, PPC, social media, and so on.

In order to make sure that you have an integrated marketing mix, you need the right digital marketing tools to help you run effective campaigns. You also need to develop expertise in using them and applying the insights in the right context.


5-      Be Awesome at Design

Design plays an important role in digital marketing succession. Whether its designing a website, a landing page or creating an image for your website, ad, or infographic, it is necessary to have good design skills. Not all of us are whiz kids when it comes to design, but there are some tools to help.

Canva and Photoshop are two of the design tools that designers all over the world use. Canva is a free tool while Photoshop is one of the Adobe Companies well-known softwares.


6-      Create an Email List

Email is still an effective driver of digital marketing ROI. In fact, email delivers about $36 in ROI for every dollar spent! But it has to be executed right.


Make sure your website includes an email newsletter sign up form. Deliver valuable content to your subscribers not just promotion. Also don’t forget to tell stories.


7-      Spend on Digital Advertising

Digital advertising, including PPC (pay per click) Google Ads, YouTube Ads, social media advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok are all things you could test in order to deliver digital marketing success.

Many businesses invest a lot on digital marketing but they witness low rate of ROI.

So businesses not only need to spend on marketing but they also need to spent it wisely. One of the great ways to ensure that you are choosing right is to hire a digital marketing agency in Dubai that can consult you by your marketing campaigns.


8-      Use Infographics

Infographics are attractive and easy to understand. It’s partially because our brains can process pictures much quicker than text. A picture is worth a thousand words as they say, and people will share them more often than texts.


9-      Closely Watch Your Analytics

The other end of the spectrum from creativity is analytics, but that’s exactly the combination you need for digital marketing success. Google Analytics is a perfect tool for understanding critical elements of your website and how visitors navigate through it. If you’re trying to learn how to gain insights from Google Analytics, you can use the Google Data Studio to give it a test drive using data from Google’s e-commerce site.


There are also other tools for analytics outside of Google Analytics. You can use individual analytics from each social network (i.e. Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), you can bring them all to one place by using a dashboard program such as Cognos (from IBM). You can also pay for a more powerful tool to gain more insights.


10-   Integrate Strategies and Campaigns Across Channels

Integrating across these tactics can be really challenging. In a larger firm where different teams may manage different platforms or where different digital marketing agency handle different aspects of marketing, such as content marketing, paid, and social, keeping everything together might seem impossible. But, integration is the key to digital marketing success.


In the end digital marketing is a must for businesses’ success. Hopefully, this list of tips for digital marketing will point you in the right direction. With these tips, you can get ahead of your competitors if you implement them effectively.

If you want your business to succeed online in today’s digital world, then these digital marketing tricks will come in handy.

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