Empower your employees with specialized training to deliver exceptional customer service on the phone. Visit our website to learn more about our comprehensive customer service training for employees, specifically focused on phone interactions.
Unleash Excellence on the Phone: Elevate Customer Service Training for Employees
Mastering the art of Customer Service can be challenging. It is not merely ‘common sense;’ it’s a learned skill that your employees must master in order for your company to succeed.
One of the most common ways customers communicate with employees is through the telephone, and how your team handles those calls can create a huge impact on your reputation and your bottom line. Fostering customer loyalty begins with the first contact someone makes with your company. Despite living in an age where social media seems to dominate, 74% of Americans have used their landline to initiate contact with customer service.
Solid and effective communication is the foundation of customer service: the words we use, our tone of voice, active listening, and non-verbal cues like eye contact and body language convey the messages that we send. But, when we communicate via telephone, we can’t rely on non-verbal cues — so we must practice our verbal-only issue-resolution skills. That’s why customer service training for employees on the phone is so important.
What’s different about Customer Service on the phone?
Without being able to read body language and other non-verbal cues, customer service professionals may not realize that what they are saying is being taken negatively and upsetting the customer until it is too late. With 82% of customers ceasing to do business with a company because of bad customer service, that’s not a risk worth taking.
Click here to know more about customer service training for employees.