Delay In Marriage - Effect of Planet in Seventh House

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Delay In Marriage - Effect of Planet in Seventh House #DelayinMarriage #LifePartnerprediction #FutureLifepartner #Marriage #SpousePredictionbyDateofBirth #lifepartnerpredictionbydateofbirth #marriageprediction #lifepartnerpredictionbybirthchart #Lifepartnerpredictionfromkundli #Lifepartnerastrologybydateofbirth #Lovelifepredictionbydateofbirthfree
Reasons for late marriage in birth chart
According to Vedic Astrology, perfect time for marriage is decided by the right dasha of planets in Kundli. There may be several reasons for late marriage in the birth chart- intentional or circumstantial. Delay marriage in Kundli has two sides of a coin. The seventh house, if analyzed by the best astrologer, can give information like the direction of marriage and the physical as well as mental attributes of your partner. 
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